Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Synthesis Blog (Science Article)

- Cross-fertilizing with subjects can help students understand each content area in depth individually, as well as teach them how to make connections in the classroom between their subject areas. If students get in a habit of doing this in school, they are going to be more likely to apply the knowledge they have learned in the classroom to their real-life experiences.

- This article reminded me of an article that I read about math. In this article, it discussed how students often believe they are either good at a subject, or they are not. They have a tendency to believe that they cannot learn the material and are going to stay put at the place they are at. At then beginning of this article, this idea is mentioned and discussed.
- Like the math article that I read, I feel as though this article was written very laid back. When it came to the vocabulary and explanations, I felt very comfortable reading through it with no problems and could definitely talk to someone about what the article was about no problem.

- At the beginning of the section "Two kinds of writing: Science with literature, literature with science," it begins with way too many names and it is hard to follow. Overall, the article was an easy read and definitely was informative. But, this section in particular stuck out to me because it was confusing from the jump.

- Connection between 2 content areas may not be easily noticed, or very evident. However, as a teacher, you need to try your best to "break the wall down" and incorporate other subject areas into your lesson plans. While it may be very subtle, and in some word problems or articles, it is going to allow students to understand the material better in both classrooms and they will have a more applicable mindset.
-This article is very important and I believe that it should be read by teachers of all subjects. I think that it is important for teachers to collaborate and try their best to incorporate other material into their lessons, allowing the students to make connections and learn material at a deeper level. If they are learning about something in science and read an article about it in language arts, they are going to quickly make the connection. The information that is provided in language arts can be beneficial in the science classroom and it is great to have teachers collaborating.

Word Count: 416

1 comment:

  1. Lisa,
    I really enjoyed this article and thought is was important as well. I like how you pointed out that students believe that they are either good at a subject or not good at a subject. As we know, that is not the case, but it just takes time for students to Overall, I love the idea of cross-fertilizing and just the term in general. I will definitely include other subjects in my science classroom.

    Word count: 75


Final Blog Post

As a future math teacher, literacy is not often something that I think about or something that I have even thought about educating myself on...