Monday, October 28, 2019

Lesson Plan Blog

Our lesson plan was based off of the strategy "Text to tweet." To begin the activity, I typed up a reading about Order of Operations. Within the reading I provided examples of what to do and what not to do with clear examples. After giving everyone time to read the reading, we provided them with a problem for their group. We asked them to then solve the problem and sum up their method into 140 characters on the paper we gave them that looked like a new tweet.

A grow that I saw a few times for this activity was more organization at the beginning and giving a better explanation. I think that this was a very good point because I feel as though I was not totally prepared to explain the directions and explain how to properly complete the task. If I got to do this activity again, I would have something for me to read off of so I do not get nervous and miss a step or not explain something well enough.

Overall, I think that our lesson plan went well and it was enjoyable. If we were to do this with our students, I would have each group come up and explain their thinking and explain the steps that they used and how it related to the reading that they did at the beginning of class.

Word Count: 230

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